Shooting Bears: The Adventures of a Wildlife Photographer
Shooting Bears: The Adventures of a Wildlife Photographer

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Grizzly bears, polar bears, and black bears are larger-than-life in Shooting Bears -- a riveting first hand account of actual wilderness adventures as experienced wildlife photographer John Pezzenti, Jr. With over 180 amazing color photos of bears in their natural environments, nature lovers and photography buffs alike will marvel at Pezzenti's incredible images and will be enthralled with this brave document of these beautiful, yet dangerous, creatures.

Many of us have marveled at the rustic beauty of bears from afar -- watching them on the Discovery Channel, reading about them in National Geographic magazine, and visiting them in our local zoos. However, few of us have actually come face-to-face with great bears in their natural environment and have lived to tell about it. John Pezzenti, Jr., however, has dedicated the past three decades of his life to bringing the reader as close as possible to these animals -- who are strikingly handsome as they are fierce -- by photographing grizzlies, polar bears, and black bears in their habitats.

Shooting Bears represents Pezzenti's captivating collection of some of the most powerful photographs ever taken of bears in the wild, accompanied by a host of riveting adventure stories. With over 180 incredible images of bears, mostly taken in Pezzenti's home state of Alaska, this unbelievable first-hand visual account of life-or-death situations, will amaze and thrill lovers of nature and wildlife, as well as photography.  In addition, Pezzenti relays fascinating facts about the three types of great bears with intimacy and drama.